Category Archives: Faculty
COVID-19 updates and Fall Plans for WTC schools (Aug 20, 2020)
An update of news we have from various WTC schools about their classes and services in response to the current COVID-19 health crisis….
MoreIs the Eucharist the Key to Ecumenical Unity?
See the video of the remarkable Figel address given by the recipient of the Consortium’s Ecumenism Award, Msgr. Paul McPartlan. He makes the case for the Eucharist as the key to recent and future dialogues around Christian unity. If the Eucharist is at the heart of the Church, and if various churches and ecclesial communities can affirm its central meaning…
MoreTelling the Mother Emanuel Story on Film, May 14 in D.C.
The mass shooting at Mother Emanuel Church was a major wake-up call in 2015 to the rise of home-grown terrorism among white supremacists in the U.S.
There is a remarkable film made about the church’s struggle, the forces of local racism, and the people’s strength. It is called “Emanuel” and screens in D.C. on Tuesday May 14, at the Museum of…
MoreFaculty Tour of MOTB Friday March 22
RSVP Here for Tour and note if staying for Lunch!
Metro to Federal Center SW (Blue Line) or
Find Discount Reserved parking Link Here …
Healthy Boundaries Success: Ecumenism and Sexual Ethics
Students from six Consortium Schools gathered to engage the sexual misconduct crisis with ecumenical force. Msgr. Stephen Rossetti and Dr. Kate Ott offered engaging training, exercises, and discussion to equip students to be proactive in building healthy ministries and churches. What was unique about this form of training? a) personal self-awareness around attraction, relationships and healthy sexuality as part of…
MoreThe Ecumenical Challenge–Dr. Mitzi Budde’s address
Do you know why Ecumenism is a priority for the Churches? Do you know how do go about it? Dr. Budde guided the Figel Event audience to both responses with a stellar address that provided a theological rationale for practical engagement. Communing with one another is a way of Communing with God. As various churches live toward greater unity, we…
MoreNew Film on Howard Thurman–DC Debut February 5!
A new film on Howard Thurman’s life and theology will take place on Tuesday, February 5, 6:30 pm at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. Sponsored by the Howard University School of Divinity and the McClendon Scholar program at NYAPC. Information below.
RSVP here!
MoreJesus in Islam: noted Scholar at IITTS
MoreDr. Jennifer Herdt of Yale Lectures at WAU in D.C.