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  • August 24, 2009

    John Leland Center Retreat


    I had the privilege of attending the retreat of the John Leland Center this past weekend at a retreat center near Middleburg. The retreat included the orientation of new students.

    The Center did not have a retreat for the past year or two. Getting together for time away helps faculty and students to build a sense of community.

    The singing was dynamic and contemporary–the preaching by Stephen Welch got right to the heart of life and the call to ministry [and our resistance too]. The time was well organized–but not so tight as to preclude the occasional conversation to get to know someone.

    I returned to Washington with a sense that I understand the Leland Center and its Baptist community much better than I did. I am grateful to President Mark Olson and Director of Student Services Tom Lynch for the invitation to share their community life.
