“Believers in Christ, united in following in the footsteps of the Martyrs,
cannot remain divided.”
Today I was looking at the first paragraph of the famous 1995 Encyclical of John Paul II
Ut Unum Sint.
Here he cited the offering of Christian martyrs as a “powerful proof that every factor of division can be transcended and overcome in the total gift of self for the sake of the Gospel.”
Now I have never thought of myself as ‘having the character of the martyrs’ though I admire them.
But I do think that I might learn a little about perseverance in our ecumenical call, despite the obstacle’s that arise, from the courage of the Martyrs.
The power of the Spirit, alive in us, is stronger than our weaknesses.
I ask daily for the guidance of the Spirit for my work in the Consortium and for the ecumenical movement.