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  • March 8, 2011

    Faculty Groups


    Today I sent the last of my emails to members of Consortium Faculty Groups– thanking them for their support and sharing during my 13 year tenure.

    When I became Director in 1998, part of my mandate was to support groups of faculty who wish to come together for professional growth and mutual sharing. At that time there were 4-5 active groups. During my tenure there have been as many as 16 groups meeting for this purpose. At present 13 groups meet.

    One of the most enjoyable things I have done is to attend meetings of these groups.
    I always learn many things. I am happy to get to know such dedicated people.
    And of course there is the occasional disagreement where one or more sides to a question are reviewed.

    I have blogged frequently about the meetings of these groups.
    I will miss them.

    My renewed interest in the dialogue of Science and Religion comes directly from attending the monthly meetings of this faculty group. I hope to continue attending.
