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  • March 3, 2009

    Emerging Church


    Last Thursday I heard a dynamic, post-modern, anecdotal and most interesting address by Dr. Peter Rollins of Dublin. Peter is a young leader in the Emergent Church movement and founder of Ikon–an experimental collective.

    The John Leland Center for Theological Studies sponsored this lecture and discussion. Rev. Dr. Bill Smith, Pastor of Memorial Baptist in Arlington hosted the lecture and reception. Rev. Dr. Mark Olson, president of Leland provided the introduction. I offered the prayer.

    This was not an address for the faint-hearted. Peter question many contemporary church approaches–and called, as he does in his books, for radical change. Rev. Dr. John Lee of Leland offered a spirited and much more analytical response.

    I always think that it is good to have my presuppositions challenged once and awhile.
    Peter’s lecture challenged the role of the priest; it stressed personal relationships.
    It was personal–and in parts compelling [e.g. take responsibility for your choices!].

    I forgot to mention–the crowd was overflowing!
