Al Alwani Chair in Muslim-Christian Dialogue
Last Monday was quite a day for the Washington Theological Consortium.
The Board of Trustees of the Consortium Approved Initial Funding for a Chair
in Muslim-Christian Dialogue.
The funding will be provided for the next three years by the Heritage Trust.
The Trust is the a major supporter of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences.
As many of you know, the Graduate School and the Consortium have launched a Certificate Program in Muslim-Christian Dialogue. The Scholar who holds the Chair will offer some of the courses needed to secure this Certificate. These courses will be available to any student in a Consortium School.
As you can imagine, the Board of the Consortium is deeply grateful to the Board of the Heritage Trust for making initial funding available for this important position. We will now be able to move forward with dispatch.
In the near future the representatives of the Consortium and the Heritage Trust will sign the official agreement. The agreement already enjoys the support of both Boards.
More details will be forthcoming shortly.