EcuBlog posted by Mitzi Budde: What are your plans for January 29 – February 1, 2007?
I’ve just returned from a planning meeting for the National Workshop on Christian Unity. This exciting ecumenical eevent will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott Hotel in Rosslyn, just across the Key Bridge from Washington, D.C. January 29 – February 1, 2007. Register NOW online at Some highlights include the opening worship service at the Washington National Cathedral on Monday evening, January 29, eight seminars each day on critical ecumenical issues, meetings of denominational ecumenical leaders, and ecumenical worship services. Most importantly, this will be an extraordinary opportunity to network with ecumenical leaders from around the country and from multiple denominational traditions.
John Crossin and I will teach a consortium course, “The Future of Ecumenism,” in conjunction with the Workshop in the third quarter of 2007. The course will meet once per week on Thursday mornings; the first session will be at the National Workshop on Thursday, February 1. For more information, contact me at [email protected].