Faculties Convocation
I took some pictures before and during the Prayer Service at the Convocation at Catholic University last Monday. It was a beautiful September day.
Colleagues met before the event began. Our speaker, Rev. John Erickson, Dean of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, is on the far right.
Fr. Erickson in conversation.
The Prayer Service was the Office of Readings–a hymn, Psalms, prayers, and two long readings: one from Ezekiel and the other from a patristic author.
Unfortunately none of the longer flash shots turned out very well–I have a lot to learn about photography–but just to give an idea of the service, this grainy photo shows the presider. He is a priest and graduate student at Catholic University. The very accomplished cantor and pianist also study at CUA.
I think it was a good day. The talk was fantastic, although it was certainly challenging, because it was realistic about the difficulties of the current ecumenical situation. I’m looking forward to reading it carefully. After the Prayer Service and the talk, we all went over to the Pryzbyla center. The faculty interest groups met, and then we had dinner. So it looks like the year is off to a good start!