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  • September 16, 2006


    I have been to Richmond three times in the last week.
    I visited all three of our members there.

    Last Saturday at Virginia Union, there were even a few Amens to my
    sermon on Humility. In humilty, we realize that we always have
    a lot to learn. And sometimes the unlikeliest person in the community is our

    At Union/PSCE a few days later, I again prayed together with the community and heard some inspiring words from Drs. Weeks and Ottati. At the luncheon following, I said a few words about the Consortium. There were questions and conversations for quite awhile after. I also made some arrangements for the Ecumenism course I will be teaching there in the fall.

    My ‘beginning of school year journeys’ are coming to an end.
    The Faculties’ Convocation at Catholic University is just up ahead.
