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  • February 10, 2006

    Dear Friends:

    Not much coffee late this Friday afternoon–anticipating the snowstorm but hoping it will not affect the Prayer Service for Christian Unity and the presentation of the Consortium Ecumenism Awards Monday at Catholic U. [4:00 pm weather permitting].

    I was at Catholic U. yesterday afternoon–along with lots of faculty and students– to hear a public presentation on Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue by Dr. Paul McPartlan [He is a Visiting Professor at Catholic U. from England]. Dr. McPartlan is an official Vatican representative to this dialogue–which is just resuming after a significant lapse of time. The presentation was excellent and the questions acute.

    One of the advantages of being executive director is going from campus to campus and hearing superb discussions in faculty groups, with other colleagues over lunch and on occasion in public lectures such as the one yesterday.

    There is always more to learn.

    [A sign that I am still ‘professorial’ in some sense is that I will be marking the papers from the class I taught on ‘Spiritual Ecumenism’ tomorrow during the snowstorm!]
