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  • Symposium on Ecologically Informed Theological Education

    March 16, 2017
    8:30 AM - 8:30 PM

    Ecologically Informed Theological Education:
    Implications for Teaching, Learning and Seminary Life

    A Call to Mid-Atlantic Area Seminary Faculties and Deans

    The goal of this Symposium is to engage seminary faculties, deans and program staff from the Mid-Atlantic region to equip the next generation of religious leaders to engage effectively in Creation care and ecological justice.
    • Plenary, panel discussion and breakout sessions on the emerging field of faith-based environmental education in seminaries and theological schools.
    • Networking and discussion on how faculty members can include issues of ecology and creation-care in their existing courses in Bible, theology, homiletics and liturgy, ethics, and more, as well as innovate new courses.
    • Ideas for clinical and field education, project-based learning, campus and public events, and extra-curricular programs with experienced educators.

    Speakers include:


    Msgr. Kevin Irwin, Professor and former Dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies,
    Catholic University of America

     “The Promise of Laudato Si for Theological Education”


    Dr. Timothy Van Meter, Associate Professor in the Alford Chair of Christian Education
    Methodist Theological School in Ohio



    Dr. Elaine Noguera-Godsey, Assistant Professor of Theology, Ecology, and Race
    Methodist Theological School in Ohio

    “Weaving Ecology Throughout the Curriculum: Impacts Upon Program Development, Teaching, and Learning.”


    Dr. Laurel Kearns, Associate Professor of Sociology and Religion and
    Environmental Studies
    Drew Theological School and the
    Graduate Division of Religion of
    Drew University.

    “Education and Engagement for Eco-Theology and Justice” 

    An increasing number of Americans are turning to their pastors, priests and rabbis for wisdom and guidance on ecological sustainability. Awareness is growing of the injustice and inequity of pollution and waste. This conference will offer you resources to prepare seminarians to address these ecological concerns from a theological perspective.

    To register for the conference go to http://tinyurl.com/goa6rqq.
    There is no cost thanks to grants from the Luce and Julia Burke Foundations.
    Lodging on the nights before and after the conference will be provided complimentary to out-of-town participants who register, as will some travel reimbursements. All meals at the conference are complimentary to registered participants.

    Conference Co-organizers: The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, the Washington Theological Consortium, the Green Seminary Initiative, and the Methodist Theological School of Ohio.

    Ecologically Informed TE Flyer and Schedule



    The Catholic University of America
    School of Theology and Religious Studies
    620 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, DC
    Meetings in the Pryzbyla Center