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    A Pioneer in Black Theology has Passed–J. Deotis Roberts

    Rev. Dr. J. Deotis Roberts, a gifted Baptist preacher, a long-time professor of theology at the Howard University School of Religion (now Divinity School), and a Dean at the Virginia Union University School of Theology (now Samuel Dewitt Proctor) passed away this week at age 95. After getting a blank stare from Jurgen Moltmann in the ’60’s about how his…


    Hate and Healing: New Testament Interpretations

    The event, on JUNE 4 at MOTB, called “Hate and Healing: A New Testament Dialogue,” will feature three dialogue sessions with panelists from four different Christian communities — Baptist, Roman Catholic, Latter-day Saint, and Seventh-day Adventist — with a full 20 minutes for audience questions after each session. The panelists will consider three interrelated topics:

    how their community has interpreted…


    Dr. Angelique Walker Smith gives powerful Figel Lecture Feb. 3

    Dr. Angelique Walker Smith delivered an inspiring and challenging address at this year’s Figel Event for Ecumenism.   Her topic, “The Hope of Pan-African Peoples and the Contradiction of Visible Unity Deferred: Ubuntu as a Vision for Christian Unity” was a critique and source of hope for traditional Ecumenism.   I had the joy of meeting her after the address at the…


    Sabbath Life and Ecology with Norman Wirzba Oct 23

    Join us for this event sponsored by the John Leland Center and an historic organization, The Lord’s Day Alliance, that promotes Sabbath Spirituality from an Ecological perspective. Morning event is lead by Dr. Norman Wirzba, scholar, lecturer and activist, from Duke University.

    Sabbath in Everyday Life: Caring for Self and the Earth
    Norman Wirzba, Duke University

    with the John Leland Center at
    Memorial Baptist…


    9-11 and Theological Education in Washington DC

    9-11 impacted countless lives and institutions throughout DC and the MIid-Atlantic.   Among these were graduate theological schools that educate pastors, priests, and yes at the time imams.  The Washington Theological Consortium was (and still is) a community of such schools, and the impact of 9-11 has been far reaching.

    Churches, synagogues, and mosques filled up after 9-11, as people sought direction,…
