A range of speakers from the Easter and Roman Catholic Churches (including a Vatican delegate), the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion will gather to investigate the meaning of this foundational Council for the life of the churches today. Speakers will present their reflections on the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, held in in 325, and what it means for dialogue and church unity, today and the future. The conference will take place on the campus of the Virginia Theological Seminary with four plenary sessions. The agenda will begin with an ecumenical prayer service on Friday morning. It will include Evensong Vespers and a “movie night with pizza” on Friday evening. Then will conclude with Byzantine Vespers on Saturday afternoon. Each plenary will include a lecture by the speaker followed by a panel discussion and Q&A from the participants.
Co-sponsored by
the Orientale Lumen Foundation,
the Washington Theological Consortium and
the Huffington Ecumenical Institute at HCHC
This conference is free for WTC students, and has a nominal fee for faculty clergy, and the wider public. Visit: https://olfoundation.net/upcoming-events/orientale-lumen-xxix/