If the pandemic has shown weaknesses in our society and world, it also calls forth strengths and change. One positive response is ability of WTC schools to adapted brilliantly to online education en masse. This summer, there are OVER FIFTY ONLINE COURSES you can choose from through cross registration! Go ahead, look around, like a kid in a candy store!
Abbreviations: BCS–Byzantine Catholic Seminary, RTS–Reformed Theological Seminary, STVU–Samuel D. Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, ULS– United Lutheran Seminary, VTS–Virginia Theological Seminary.
BIBLE: Biblical Hebrew (Howard, STVU), Biblical Greek (Howard, Wesley), Biblical Storytelling (Wesley), Prophets (RTS, Wesley), Romans and Acts (RTS), Pastoral Letters (RTS), Sacred Texts and Education (VTS), Biblical Foundations of Spirituality (VTS).
THEOLOGY/ETHICS: Philosophy for Theology (Wesley), Christology (STVU), Conceptualizing God (Wesley), Liberation Theology (Wesley), Howard Thurman (Wesley), Bonhoeffer (Wesley), Methodist Doctrine (Wesley), The Problem of Evil and Demonology: Eastern Christian Perspective (BCS), Faith and Public Life (Wesley).
HISTORY: American Religious History (ULS), Book of Faith: the Print History of the Bible (ULS), United Methodist History (Wesley)
ARTS/SPIRITUALITY: Bible and Spirituality (VTS), Faith in Film (Wesley), Contemplation in Spirituality (VTS), Poetry of Faith and Doubt (Wesley), Liturgical Dance as Spiritual Practice (Wesley), Deep Dive into the Lord’s Prayer (Wesley).
PREACHING/WORSHIP: Preaching Law, Gospel and the Cross (ULS), Preaching the Holy Spirit (STVU), Worship Leadership (STVU), Black Preaching (STVU), Music and Worship in the African American Church (STVU).
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacred Texts in Education (VTS), Philosophy of Education (STVU), Youth Ministry (STVU), Youth Justice Education (Howard), Teaching and Learning in Christian Education (Wesley).
PASTORAL CARE: Ministry and Self-Care (STVU, Wesley), Grief and Loss (STVU), Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling (Wesley), HIV/AIDS Prevention (STVU), Sexual and Domestic Abuse and the Church (RTS).
PRACTICAL THEOLOGY/MINISTRY: Faith and Public Life (Wesley), Introduction to Chaplaincy (Wesley), Church Finance (Wesley), Congregational Research for Ministry (STVU), Stewardship in Local Church (Wesley).
MISSIONS/WORLD RELIGIONS: Global Mission and Global Christianity (STVU), Religious Diversity and Ministry (VTS), Scriptures and World Religions (Wesley).
FOR COURSE INFORMATION AND DATES, VISIT: https://washtheocon.org/search-courses/#0