Registration for a Spring course is still possible in many schools, so check out the offerings! You can also check up on January term courses that are still open.
Don’t miss the opportunity to take a course in another tradition, perhaps in your favorite field: Bible, Theology, Preaching, and more. Or take a unique course related to a Consortium Certificate: in Ecology, Criminal Justice, Muslim-Christian Studies, or Ecumenism/Christian Unity. More and more schools are offering courses in the evening and weekends, and there are a number of hybrid and online courses available!
Sampler of Consortium Certificate Courses Jan-Spring 2018
Steps to cross-register:
- Find a course you want Search Courses WTC
- Make sure start date, days and times fit your schedule (some schools start in Jan.) See Academic Calendar
- Talk to your advisor or Academic Dean.
- Sign up through YOUR school Registrar.
- Confirm start up time/date on the other school website (these can change)
To search all courses or a subject area, visit the main page, “Search Course” tab.
And if you have questions, call us at the office: 202-832-2675 or email