Just completed an amazing course for Emerging Religious Leaders in Jewish-Christian Dialogue at the Pearlstone Center (outside Baltimore) in partnership with the Instittute for Christian Jewish Studies. Rabbinical Students and Consortium seminarians met for a week of study around interpretive traditions for the Bible and Talmud; the Akedah (binding of Isaac) and its implications for trauma in our traditions, the Middle East, and in pastoral issues of domestic violence; proposed reframing of Christian theology in non-supersessionist ways, and intertextual readings and preaching between the Pentateuch, Prophets/Wisdom, and the New Testament. Thanks to the outstanding Consortium students from CUA, PFIC, Wesley, Gettysburg, VTS and Leland and our Rabbinical student partners. Thanks also to the other faculty members from WTC schools (Kendall Soulen of Wesley and Judy Fentress-Williams of VTS) and to the outstanding faculty from the ICJS and the Reconstructionist Rabinnical College in Philadelphia.