• Students: Visit our Course Search page to view all the latest cross-registration opportunities.
  • Cross-Registration for Spring is here!!

    October 9, 2014 | By lgolemon
    Categories: Students, Executive Director

    Registration for Spring Courses begins at some Consortium schools in the coming week.  Over 300 courses are posted for cross-registration opportunities, so consult with your advisor and Dean about possibilities for your schedule!


    A few highlights of distinctive courses you do not want to miss this  Spring! (am=morning, pm=afternoon, night=night)

    Explore more at “Search Courses” under Spring 2015 and Subject



    Languages:   Lots of opportunities in beginning and advanced studies/readings:
    * Latin:  CUA and Pontifical Faculty (Dominican House)
    * Greek:  CUA, Howard, Leland, PFIC, Reformed, Samuel Proctor (VUU)
    * Hebrew:  Howard, PFIC, Lutheran-Gettysburg, Reformed, Wesley

    * Biblical Economics and Stewardship (Luth-Gettysburg, Tues am)
    * Old Testament in the New Testament (VTS)
    * Advanced Biblical Study: Sermon on the Mount (Leland, Tues night)
    * Penitential Psalms and Christian Prayer (PFIC)
    * Wealth and Poverty in the Bible (Samuel Proctor, VUU)

    History and Historical Theology:
    * Introduction to Patristic Theology: (CUA, T Thur am)
    * Historical Theology: Medieval (Leland, Thur night)
    * Bridging East and West: Russian Catholicism (PFIC, Thur pm)
    * Women’s History of Christianity (VTS)
    * Social Gospel in America (VUU–Samuel Proctor, Fr pm)
    * American Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism (Wesley, Thur night)

    Systematic Theology:
    * Angels and Communion of Saints (VTS, Wed)
    * Thomism in the Modern World (PFIC, Fri pm)
    * The Shape of Modern Theology: Schleiermacher to Balthasar (PFIC, Thur pm)
    * Philosophy for Theology (Leland, Mon night)
    * Thematics: Theology from the Margins, Liberation (Luth-Gettysbnurg, Mon night)

    Liturgy and Preaching:
    * Foundations of Liturgy and Sacramental Theology (CUA, M,W am)
    * Celebration of the Mysteries: Byzantine Liturgical Life (PFIC, Tues pm)
    * Justice at the Font and Table (Wesley, Thur pm)
    * Word Made Flesh: Making Scripture Seen and Heard (Wesley, Thur pm)
    * The Liturgy in Spanish (VTS)
    * The Preaching of Visionaries and Mystics: King to Romero (VTS)
    * Preaching on Controversial Topics (Luth-Gettysburg, Tues am)

    Practical & Pastoral Theology, Leadership, Ethics
    * Leadership in Ministry (Consortium Course–Leland, Thur night)
    * Modern Theories of Leadership (Leland, Tues night)
    * Advanced Issues in Leadership (VTS)
    * Introduction to Hispanic Ministry (CUA, T,Th pm)
    * Evangelism and Emerging Generations (Wesley, Wed am)
    * Digital Media in Ministry (VTS)
    * Greening Your Congregation (Wesley, Wed pm)
    * Pastoral Counseling (VUU-Samuel Proctor)
    * Pastoral and Social Ethics (RTS, Wed pm)

    * Spiritual or Religious? Forming Mature Faith as American Religious Affiliation Declines (VTS)
    * Cura Animarum: Confessional Prais, Pastoral Spiritual Guidance… (PFIC, Tues pm)
    * Spiritual Formation (Leland, Mon night)
    * Historical Christian Spirituality (CUA, M,W,Fr am)

    Arts and Religion:
    * Picturing the Church: Two Millennia of Art and Architecture (Wesley, Th pm)
    * Elements of Design: Reaching a Visual Culture (Wesley, Mon pm)
    * Praying with the Poets (VTS)
    * Reading George Herbert’s Country Parson (VTS)
    * Music and the Arts in Christian Education (VUU-Samuel Proctor, Thur night)

    Ecumenical and Interreligious:
    * Documents of the Second Vatican Council (PFIC,Fri pm)
    * Modern Themes of the Qur’an: Reading with Nursi (VTS)
    * Religion and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace (Wesley, Mon night)
    * Jewish Thought and Theology (Wesley, Wed am)