The Annual Friends’ Reception–An Enriching Evening
The Annual Friends Reception–Sponsored by the Public Members of the Consortium Board of Trustees–took place this past Thursday Evening in the Atrium of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Fifty friends gathered this year to renew acquaintances–and to hear our Presenter, Rev. Dr. David Gortner of VTS speak of “Young Adults and the Church.” I think that Dr. Gortner offered us many insights–drawn from his ‘field research’ and study. A point that sticks with me is that we complain about the absence of young adults–but often don’t expend much personal energy or resources in engaging them.
It always is good to see Consortium friends that I don’t see often enough–and learn from them. It is enriching.
I was happy that a dozen past and present trustees were in attendance. Two of our Honorary Sponsors were also able to make it–Major Steve Morris of the Salvation Army and Bishop John Byron Chane, Episcopal Bishop of Washington.
Thanks to all who made this event the Ninth Annual a success.