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  • September 11, 2009

    Visit with Faculty at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University


    Our colleagues in Richmond have a very long institutional name–
    And a clear sense of their mission. They are training leaders for pastoral ministry.

    I was privileged to meet the faculty this Wednesday during their retreat.
    I had an opportunity to discuss with them their new status as an Institutional Member of the Consortium—and answer some questions.

    I also was privileged to have lunch with Dean John Kinney and Associate Dean Mary Young and give them a little background on the Board of Trustees/Executive Committee and the Consortium Council of Academic Deans. They will be serving as VUU’s representatives on these bodies.

    Years ago members of the Consortium Student Board encouraged me to write a review of ‘Food in the Consortium’. I graciously declined this task.

    I would note, however, that the chef at Mosby Memorial Baptist Church [where the retreat took place] would be in my top 5.
