Consortium Activities Continue in Mid-Summer
It used to be that the summertime was a time to catch up but no more.
This week:
1. Linwood Blizzard, one of Howard University Divinity School’s student representatives, stopped by to share some ideas with me. He had very good suggestion(s) in regard to the Student Orientations on the campuses in the fall. I am taking some steps–as is he–to improve these events.
2. The Consortium Chief Financial Officers Group met at WTU yesterday. I want to thank Wayne E. Wissman, CFO of WTU, for hosting the meeting and sharing some insights into better stewardship. The group met for quite a while–and concluded with lunch. There was a lot of networking going on–and planning for some future meetings, perhaps by Conference Call, which would focus on individual topics of interest.
3. The Board of Trustees Committee on The Friends of the Consortium met this morning. We discussed the Reception this past April at St. John’s Lafayette Square–and planned for next year’s meeting in the Atrium of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Committee members discussed the purposes of the Friends–Sharing the vision and mission of the Consortium, sustaining ecumenical and inter religious relationships and enlarging the circle of those who participate, and supporting the ongoing efforts of the Consortium.
4. Dr. Lewis Parks and I continued our efforts this week on behalf of the Doctor of Ministry Degree in Ecumenism and Inter religious Dialogue. We will begin the program in January. This is a Wesley Degree co-sponsored by the Consortium.
Please tell those you know who may be interested in this program. The program is relatively inexpensive and the classes are 4 intensive weeks each year.
PS I will resuming these reflection in August after a break!