The Peace of Christ
For some reason I have always signed off my emails by saying Peace.
I do not know exactly how I began this custom.
But I do know that my concern inner peace of heart on the spiritual journey of life and my desire to share this peace with my email correspondents is a part of its origin.
Yesterday, while waiting for my car to be serviced [!] I had time, finally, to read “A Mennonite and CAtholic Contribution to the World Council of Churches’ Decade to Overcome Violence.
I had promised myself that I would read this statement–for I am also concerned with peace in our world. Finding the time was the problem–thus in the comparative quiet of the waiting room, I was finally reading.
I would recommend this short, succinct and very helpful statement to you.
It gets to the point quickly.
I found the statement in The Ecumenical Review, July 2008, pages 333-344.
I am sure you can find it elsewhere.
It seems to me that as Christians we are messengers of the Peace of Christ–every day.
We are seeking, in modest ways to be sure, to build a community of peace.
The Peace of Christ….