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  • April 20, 2009

    Dedication of Academic Center and Theological Library
    of the Pontifical Faculty of Theology
    at Dominican House


    The Pontifical Faculty filled the past weekend with dedicatory events for their new Academic Center and Library. [If you drive along Michigan Avenue at night you can see the the library ‘lit up’ and students studying!]

    I was free to participate in the Saturday morning events of the weekend.

    As always, Fr. Augustine DiNoia, OP spoke clearly and well in a presentation which traced the 100 year+ history of what became the Pontifical Faculty. He spoke with humor and grace–and insight. And he answered questions afterwards.

    At the Mass that followed, Father Carlos Azpiroz Costa, OP–Master of the Order of Preachers who had come from Rome–presided. The President, Father Steven Boguslawski spoke about Easter and the Resurrection life in a succinct homily that is worth further meditation. He closed with a contemporary poem.

    This was the beginning of a new century for the Pontifical Faculty.
    They certainly now have the best of facilities to use in fulfilling their mission for the church.
