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  • February 24, 2009

    Engaging Ministry Through Contemplation


    The title for this particular blog comes from one of the folks in our luncheon discussion yesterday. After much email correspondence, Rev. David Keller came from Ithaca, NY to Washington and shared his love for contemplation and education–and some details on the Contemplative Ministry Project [CMP] that Thomas Keating, Tilden Edwards, David and several others have been praying over since 2002.

    A group of us gathered to learn more and engage in a little dialogue and discernment.
    Shalem Spirituality Center hosted us for lunch, prayer and conversation–and its Director Bill Dietrich facilitated the dialogue.

    Bill had told me about the CMP a year ago–and I wanted to learn more.
    As you know, I teach Spiritual Ecumenism and think that the life of prayer is the foundation for studying theology and for pastoral ministry.

    So finally, in Spirit’s time and not my normal rush, we met. Now we are praying and discerning. I will contact the participants in a month or so to see where we are.

    If you have interest, send me an email.
    [email protected]

    In the Spirit,