History Aids Understanding
Some of you know that I like history.
Recently I have 2 Consortium opportunities ‘to soak in some more.’
Last Thursday, Dean Kevin Irwin of CUA spoke about liturgy today and tomorrow in the Catholic Church to an overflow crowd at CUA. The context–in the history of the liturgy and in theology–provides apt insights–insights into what is happening now and might happen in the future. Drawing on a lifetime of work in the field Dean Irwin nuanced my understanding of the present realities. [His talk can be found in Origins, Februay 26, 2009, “Which Liturgy is the Church’s Liturgy?” Pgs 581-89.]
This past Wednesday I was happy to hear Dr. Shaun Casey explore his new book–The making of a Catholic President: Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960 [Oxford University Press 2009]. The book is fascinating–much of the material comes from Dr. Casey’s study of archives. Thus there is some new material here. Since the session was a Consortium faculty group meeting, there was ample time for discussion! Dr. Casey writes well–and looks closely at the religious dynamics of the campaign. Of course, it too, as Msgr. Irwin’s address, is not without ample application to today.