This morning was a contemplative experience.
I was happy to be at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in
Bethesda–an Associate Member of the Consortium–for a retreat morning.
Shalem is dedicated to Contemplation–in all its many forms.
Since I was feeling a little stressed by all the activities of
the first 8 weeks of the semester. And since I urged the
Consortium Spirituality Group to sponsor a morning of prayer–
I was present and ready for some quiet reflection.
The morning surpassed all my expectations.
It also confirmed my belief that prayer needs to be at the
root of all we do! Teaching, learning, ministering….
Sometimes I get so caught up in administrative matters
that I forget what is most important.
Bill Dietrick and Patience Robbins from Shalem, with their gentle
spirit in leading us, helped me to recapture, once again
the importance of quiet prayer. The other ‘morning retreatants’
shared a few of their own experiences/learnings with the group.
I came away quite refreshed–in an interior way.