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  • Library of Congress Faculty Event

    April 7, 2014 | By lgolemon
    Categories: Faculty, Public


    The Washington Theological Consortium


     Humanities and Social Sciences Division, library of Congress

                     Invites you to the Annual Faculty Event

       * A Tour of  the Exhibit:

      * Thousand Years of the Persian Book

     * Religion Briefing by Area Specialists in

      * African and Middle Eastern Religions

                 Library of Congress Thursday,  April 24th, 2014 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Lunch at Noon provided by the Washington Theological Consortium

    Space is limited RSVP by April 22, 2014 (202) 832-2675    [email protected] Details about location will be provided to registrants in mid-April

    Librarian Faculty event 2014
