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  • Building Interfaith Partnerships Beyond Racism and Religious Nationalism–Third Interfaith Forum

    February 24, 2022
    6:45 PM - 9:20 PM

     Direct Link to RSVP HERE

    This Third Interfaith Leadership Forum, co-sponsored by several interfaith groups, focuses on a timely subject. Religious nationalism is on the rise worldwide. Our program will explore the nature of global nationalism and its specific manifestation in the U.S., which primarily takes the form of the intersection of Christian Nationalism and White Privilege. Our keynote speaker is an expert, who has been studying these topics for over thirty years. He will be followed by a panel of diverse faith leaders who will share their views on building interfaith solidarity beyond racism and religious nationalism. Participants in the program will have a chance to discuss and respond to what they have heard in small group dialogues. 

    “The Capitol Insurrection and the Global Rise of Religious Nationalism”
    Mark Juergensmeyer
    Founding Director of the Orfalea Center of Global and International Studies at University of California Santa Barbara

    Panel Presentations
    Rabbi Jack Moline – President, Interfaith Alliance

    “The Interfaith Imperative”

    Charles Watson – Director of Education, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
    “Doctrine of Discover, Manifest Destiny and Christian Nationalism: Nothing New.”

    Maggie Siddiqi – Senior Director, Religion and Faith, Center for American Progress “The Pro-Democracy Faith Movement”

    Simran Singh – Vice Chairman, IRF (International Religious Freedom) Secretariat “Religious Liberty and the Shortfall of Advocacy” 

    Breakout groups will follow, lead by the panelists on their topics.


    ILF-3 Program.2Fb

    Flyer for printing: 

    This event is sponsored by the Rumi Forum, the Washington Theological Consortium, and the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington
