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  • Alwani Event for Muslim-Christian Dialogue March 30

    March 30, 2017
    6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    This annual event is named in honor of Taha Al-Alwani, a leading scholar of Islamic law and philosophy, who passed away last year.

    This year’s event features two renowned scholars who will address the issue of:

    “Religious Faith in a Pluralistic Society:
    Islamic and Christian Perspectives”

    Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina, Professor and

    IIIT Chair in Islamic Studies,
    George Mason University



    Rev. Dr. Dan Madigan, SJ, Associate Professor at Georgetown University and
    Senior Fellow at the Al-Waleed Center for
    Muslim-Christian Understanding

    The evening will include lectures from each scholar, questions and conversations with the audience, and a reception.   No  charge for the event, but RSVP is required.   (or send to [email protected]…. or call   202-832-2675.)

    See:  Alwani Event 2017 flyer

    This annual event is made possible by the ongoing support of the Heritage Trust.

    Two experts in interreligious dialogue and the scholarship of their own religious traditions explore the timely issue of how religions co-exist and thrive in a modern, pluralistic society. Dr. Sachedina and Fr. Madigan will explore resources within Islam and Christianity, respectively, to address the faithful engagement of religious followers and leaders with other religions in the wider pursuit of contributing to civil society and the common good.


    The El-Hibri Foundation
    1420 16th Street NW
    Washington, DC

    Near Dupont Circle Metro station. Parking on nearby streets or at Colonial Garage,1616 P St NW.