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  • ‘In Search of Biblical Justice’ Virtual Conference

    June 17, 2021 - June 18, 2021

    The newly established Institute for Biblical Justice (IJF) at the John Leland Center for Theological Studies invites you to a virtual Inaugural Symposium:  In Search of Biblical Justice.  This event engages leaders in ministry and the academy to explore the following questions:

    Is there hope for the crises and confusion in our society or world? Can the church in- spire future generations toward biblical justice? How can the Bible lead to effective transformations that last across generations?

    Biblical justice is a primary answer to the myriad challenges we face today. For our inaugural conference, the Institute for Justice Formation brings together pastors, educators, practitioners, and conscientious believers to pursue biblical justice and tangible love for our times. Join us to discover how biblical justice unleashes God’s very best in us!

    Speakers include:

    Rev.Samuel Feemster, Director of Institute for Justice Formation and pastor of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church (Arlington)

    Dr. William Smith, President of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies, Arlington, VA

    Dr. Daniel Dapaah, professor of New Testament at the John Leland Center and Associate Pastor of Parkwood Baptist Church, Annandale, VA

    Dr. Daniel Carro, Professor of Divinity at the John Leland Center

    Dr. Henry L. Allen; Professor of Sociology, Wheaton College and chair of the Advisory Group for IJF

    Dr. Carl Jensen, Professor Emeritus of Intelligence and Security Studies at The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.

    Dr. Inez Tuck, Dean of the School of Nursing at MGH Institute of Health Professions

    Tara Murray, Esq., Civil and Human Rights Lawyer

    Rev. Andre Towner, Pastor of Covenant UCC Church, Washington D.C. and leader in the Justice Formation Fellowship of congregations

    Rev. Danielle Bridgeforth, Pastor of the Church at Claremont, Arlington, VA and member of Justice Formation Fellowship

    Rev. Dr. Paul Flowers, Sr., Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Mechanicsville, VA and Director of Doctor of Ministry, Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University

    Dr. Larry Golemon, Director of the Washington Theological Consortium, Washington, DC

    Dr. Cheryl J. Sanders, Professor of Christian Ethics, Howard University School of Divinity, Pastor of Third Street Church of God, Washington, DC

    Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Willetts, former Dean and professor at the McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA

    Dr. Michael Barram, professor at St. Mary’s College of California.

    Dr. Angela Parker

    Download a flyer here IJF Virtual Conference Flyer June1 2021

    Register Here at the IJF website.

