RSVP for the Event
This year’s event features one of the world’s leading scholars of Ecumenism, Msgr. Paul McPartlan of Catholic University of America. He brings years of writing, teaching, and experience in national and international dialogues between Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants to bear on one of the thorniest and most significant topics for Christian unity: the Eucharist, or Lord’s Supper.
From our speaker: “Many ecumenical dialogues during the past fifty years or so have sought to find agreement on the Eucharist. It is notable that in order to do so they have explored previously neglected dimensions of eucharistic theology, especially the links between the Eucharist and the Church, the Holy Spirit, and eschatology, respectively. The lecture will consider the progress that has been made, and new perspectives on old problems that have opened up. It will also reflect on the relationship between word and sacrament, and on the potential value of a eucharistic approach to issues of current debate such as primacy and ecology.”
Event includes Ecumenical worship by Student Board, presentation, discussion and full reception. Free and open to the public, but please RSVP for planning!
Catholic University of America
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Caldwell Hall Auditorium
620 Michigan Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20064
Directions: Take Redline Metro to CUA/Brookland stop and cross the campus, or find street parking on Harewood Rd. NE below Caldwell Hall.
Locate Caldwell Hall on the CUA Campus Map
Catholic University of America
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Caldwell Hall Auditorium
620 Michigan Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20064