• Students: Visit our Course Search page to view all the latest cross-registration opportunities.
  • Annual Sermon Slam 2023

    April 15, 2023
    7:00 pm - 9:00 PM

    The Sermon Slam returns on April 15, 2023 at Virginia Theological Seminary.  The evening includes short homilies by preachers from each of our schools, plus a “lightning round” where preachers speak impromptu.  Distinct preaching traditions from the schools and churches will be shared, plus the individual style and gifts of some of the best preachers in the Consortium!   Enjoy great preaching, Christian fellowship, and refreshments.  This is the highlight of the year for Consortium students, so please join us!  (virtual attendance possible for students at distant campuses who cannot travel).

    If you signed up for virtual attendance and did not receive a Zoom link, text Larry Golemon at 703-232-5303


    Sermon Slam Flyer.jpg

    VTS-Campus-Map-10.19.21 Lettie Patte marked


    Virginia Theological Seminary
    3737 Seminary Road
    Lettie Patte Room (see campus map below)