Join us for a virtual event that explores Peacebuilders among the Faiths: Ghandi, Nursi and more. This will include Muslim, Hindu, and Christian perspectives on Peace-building and their impact on today’s conflicted world. Given the rise of nationalism, ethnocentrism, and religious bigotry, mobilizing interfaith work for justice and peace-building is key to our shared future. Two outstanding interfaith scholars will present, followed by an online discussion.
Dr. Sathianathan Clarke
Bishop Sundo Kim Chair of World Christianity, Wesley Theological Seminary will speak on: Mahatma Gandhi’s Interfaith Peacemaking, including his influences on King and others.
Dr. Salih Sayilgan
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University will speak on: Said Nursi’s vision of Religion and Peacemaking, including his relation to Christian leaders.
Each presentation will link these key figures to Christian and other peacemakers, both in their own time and now.
Join us for this timely event! FREE for those who register by November 8. Register below, and a link to the virtual event will be provided to you by email at a later date.