• Students: Visit our Course Search page to view all the latest cross-registration opportunities.
  • Donate

    Thank you for supporting the work of the Consortium and its members.  Your tax-deductible gift creates new opportunities for emerging religious leaders to study and develop their gifts for Ecumenical Unity and Interreligious Understanding.  All individual donor gifts support STUDENT PROGRAMS related to our Certificates in Ecumenism, Muslim-Christian dialogue,  Ecology and Theology, Criminal Justice and Reconciliation and Spirituality Studies.  the specialized immersion course in Abrahamic Dialogue, and Student Board events for ecumenical fellowship, discussion, and the now famous Sermon Slam.

    We offer special gifts for special donors this year.


    For a gift of $75.00 we you will receive a copy of Theology, Ecology and Ecumenism by noted Eastern Orthodox scholar, Fr. John Chryssavgis, an advisor to Patriarch Bartholomew.  This is a new book that covers Foundational Principles of Ecumenical Dialogue, the legacy of theologian Fr. John Zizioulas,  and Ecology and Ecumenism.  https://ecpubs.com/product/theology-ecology-ecumensim/




    For a gift of $150 or more we offer you a copy of Fr. John Crossin’s, OSFS last book, Moving into the Ecumenical Future. Fr. Crossin brings over 40 years of experience and teaching to explore a new Paradigm for the Ethics of Ecumenism, including the implications for pastoral ministry, ecumenical friendships, dialogue, and more.   https://wipfandstock.com/9781666737530/moving-into-the-ecumenical-future/



    We invite your prayers and your ongoing financial support for this work.


    DONATE BY CASH APP$Washtheocon 


    Washington Theological Consortium
    415 Michigan Ave. NE, Suite 105
    Washington, DC 20017

    Tax ID number of Consortium, to aid gifts from private trusts or foundations:
