The Importance of Grass-Roots Ecumenism–Kinnamon II
In his closing remarks two weeks ago Michael Kinnamon challenged us to consider the structure of the ecumenical movement. In 100 years it has gone from a predominantly lay movement to one dominated by professional ecumenists. Maybe it will return to being a lay movement.
Several friends have pointed out to me that there is a turn to regional grass-roots ecumenism. Consortia like ours would have a role to play–we are already training local leaders in our Graduate Ecumenism Certificate and Doctor of Ministry in Ecumenism [offered by Wesley Seminary].
We are encouraging professors through our Annual Ecumenists‘ Dinner. We are encouraging lay leaders through our Annual Friends Reception–and our public lectures on Ecumenism.
The future seems to be in local and regional collaboration for the common good. This will need to be oriented to both social justice and to agreement in faith–both rooted deeply in the life of prayer.